- Occupancy of the Locktender's House, 1983
- Development of picnic area at Longford Road
- Installation of 2 canoe launches on the river
- Clearing portage from the river to the canal.
- Provision of sanitation and trash services.
- Development of area master plan.
- Nature trail and walking areas.
- Reconstruction of the Wastewater Weir
- Exterior restoration of the 1836 Locktender's House
- Restoration of vital water control gate
Flume Opening at Lock 60
- Reconstruction of storm water culvert and original towpath
at the 1st ravine
- Restoration of Lock 60, the only operating lock on the
Schuylkill River
- Restoration of the Twin Lock Control Gate
- Installation of handicap-accessible restrooms

Awards & Recognition
- Phoenixville Jaycees
Community Betterment
Award, 1984
- 1st Place, Take Pride in
Pennsylvania, 1987
- 1st Place, Take Pride in
America, 1987
- National Register of
Historic Places, 1988
- Schuylkill River Heritage
Area Special Recognition
Award, 2005
- Montgomery County
Planning Commision Land
Development Special
Recognition Award, 2005