1 to 4 PM,
Get out on the water and paddle the 5-mile water trail loop with a guide from SCA. Start at Lock 60, meet at the boat launch on the river at 1 PM; the paddle will begin at 1:15 PM. Paddle downstream 2.5 miles to the portage and paddle the 2.5 miles upstream back to Lock 60.
Bring your own boat, with paddles and required PFDs. If you don’t have a boat – canoes & kayaks and equipment will be available for rent from the USS Port Providence Paddle, www.canoeandkayak.biz. Reservations are required by calling 610-935-2750, reserved boats will be made available at Lock 60 by 1 PM.
The Locktender's House will be open to all visitors from 1 to 4 PM. Plan to visit to enjoy some light refreshments and stay to hear all about the exciting history of the Schuylkill Navigation and all that is happening along the Schuylkill Canal. Hang around and watch the lock opening at 3:00 PM too.
Come out to enjoy the afternoon. The Open House and programming is provided free-of-charge. Donations will gladly be accepted.
For more information, please call 610-917-0021
or email at info@schuylkillcanal.com.