SCA's 30th Canal Day will be dedicated to its good friend and devoted volunteer, Denny Porrini, who passed away in April. Come out to enjoy the day in memory of Denny; a day full of family-oriented fun along the Schuylkill Canal Park. Lots of things to do; food, music, kids' games & crafts, competitive activities such as the Schuylkill River Trail Run/Denny Porrini Memorial Run, the Canoe/Kayak 5-Miler Water Trail Race, and the international and world reknown Canal Joust, also one of Denny's infamous ideas. The Canal Day Horseshoe Tournament will be coming back this year including a Doubles competition to add even more excitement!
Crafters, vendors and Flea Marketers are welcomed and wanted.
Sponsors of this community-wide fundraiser are still needed and welcomed. Depending on the level of sponsorship you could get your name & logo listed on the back of the Trail Run T-shirt, in the Canal Day Program Booklet to be handed out to the anticipated 3,000 visitors, and be listed on the web and on lists distributed throughout the event's area that day.
And all businesses and non-profits in the area are invited to participate in our Business Expo for a real low price; $25 per space for local businesses, FREE for the area non-profits.
All the information, registration forms and instructions are posted on the Canal Day 2012 web page, visit it often to find out about new and exciting programs being added regularly.
Come out in memory and in honor of Denny Porrini, truely one of SCA's valued volunteers who put his heart and soul into the preservation and conservation of the Schuylkill Canal. He is sorely missed.