A view of the sojourners at the Lock 60 guard wall before entering the lock.
The Schuylkill River Sojourn, a week-long paddle of the Schuylkill River starting in Schuylkill Haven and ending in Philadelphia.
The sojourn will arrive at Lock 60 on Day 11, Wednesday, June 11th at about 3:30 PM. The sojourners will lock through Lock 60, set up camp in the picnic grove and enjoy an evening in Mont Clare as our guests, until Day 6, Thursday, June 12th.
We invite you to come out, welcome the sojourners to Mont Clare and take part in the dinner and program on June 11th.
That evening events beginning at 6 :00 PM until 8:30 PM at St. Michael's Park, Otterbein United Methodist Church will be serving a delicious spaghetti dinner with dessert and coffee provided by St. Michael of the Archangel Catholic Church.
Community members are more than welcome to come for dinner; $10.00 per person will cover the all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner with salad, beverages and dessert included. Pre-registration and payment is recommended to make sure there is enough for all to enjoy.
After the programs, the sojourners will go back to the camping area for the night to rest up for the next day's paddle to West Conshohocken.
Day 6, Thursday morning, June 12th, breakfast will be served to the sojourners starting at 7:00 AM, again at St. Michael's Park. Breakfast is served by SCA volunteers, which includes the staples of a continental breakfast; fruit, bagels, cold cereal and breakfast cakes and of course, coffee.
By 8:30 AM the sojourners are ready to get back out onto the water. SCA watches from the banks of the canal wishing them safe passage as they paddle the canal to the portage and onward to the Schuylkill River.
For all the details and more info about the entire week's event and to register to participate in the paddle, contact the Schuylkill River Heritage Area / SRGA atwww.schuylkillriver.org.